Tangshan UMG Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd.
Tangshan UMG Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd.
Tangshan UMG Medical Instrument Co.,Ltd.

Detailed Interpretation of Dental Handpiece Burs

The bur is a consumable tool used by stomatologists. It is a very small steel needle. This needle consists of a needle and a needle handle. If the dentist's mobile phone is likened to a hand-held drill, the bur is equivalent to the drill bit on the drill.


Ⅰ. The ISO code of the bur


ISO is the English abbreviation of International Organization for Standardization. It is a worldwide federation composed of standardization bodies (ISO member bodies) of various countries. Each regular bur that meets international standards has a set of ISO codes, but each manufacturer may have some non-universal identification methods.


However, ISO codes are generally indicated at the same time, especially the third and fifth groups of labels indicating the shape and diameter of the bur, which are convenient for clinicians to choose and use.


Ⅱ. The classification of burs


(1) Classification according to the size of bur emery particles


Coarse-grained emery burs (125-150μm) are marked with a black or green color ring on the shank;


Standard emery burs (106-125μm) are marked with a blue color ring on the shank;


Fine-grained emery burs (53-63μm) are marked with a red color ring or a colorless ring on the shank;


Very fine-grained emery burs (20-30 μm) are marked with a yellow or white color ring on the shank.


(2) Classification by function


1. Initial grinding bur: When a large amount of cutting is performed, a bur with a coarser diamond grain size (>150 μm) is generally used.


2. Fine grinding bur: The bur less than 40μm is used for the micro grinding and polishing of the prepared tooth surface.


3. Short-handled diamond bur: It is used for tooth preparation with small mouth opening, especially in the preparation of teeth in the molar area or in the preparation of teeth in the molar area of patients with abnormally thick buccal fat pads.


4. Long-handled emery bur: preparation of teeth in the gingival 1/3 area with long crowns.


5. Shoulder bur: The design of this type of bur only has emery on the top of its end, which is used for trimming and preparing the shoulder of the neck edge of the tooth.


6. Slim-neck diamond bur: ensure better exposure of the operating field of view, so that the tooth preparation can accurately transition to the deep dentin, and ensure the least damage to the tooth.


Ⅲ. The use of bur


Ball drill: The working end is spherical, used to open pith and remove rot.


Split drill: The working end is cone-shaped or conical, with linear and toothed edges, mainly used for digging into holes and deepening the hole type.


Inverted taper drill: The diameter of the top of the working end is larger than the diameter of the shank end, and it is in the shape of an inverted cone. The top and side of the dental handpiece bur have blades.


Ⅳ. The use of burs should pay attention to the problem


1. The selected bur should not be easily deformed, with high stability and anti-fracture ability, no tip collapse or sanding, and good concentricity in the rotation.


2. Appropriate force (30-60g) should be applied during cutting, and the tooth tissue should be cut sequentially and effectively.


3. Pay attention to the rotational speed of the bur, especially when operating the large-diameter dental handpiece bur and the coarse-grained bur, if the bur rotates too high, it will generate excessive heat and cause damage to the pulp and tooth tissue.


4. Do not force the bur into the turbine. If installation is difficult, check the phone and the bur carefully.


5. Please pay attention to the FG logo on the package, which is the bur used on the high-speed turbine.


6. Disinfect the bur before each use. Burs should be cleaned frequently with a nylon brush or ultrasonic cleaner. Autoclave the burs at 135 degrees for at least 10 minutes.


7. Dry the bur after disinfection or cleaning and store it in a clean and moisture-free environment.


8. It is common in clinical practice that the tip of the emery bur wears faster than the end. At this time, pay attention to replacing the bur in time to avoid low cutting efficiency.


9. When using turbine cooling water, it should reach 50ml per minute.


10. After the tungsten steel bur is used, it should be cleaned and sterilized by high temperature and high pressure. Do not soak the dental handpiece bur with chlorine-containing disinfectant, otherwise the tungsten steel bur will rust and become dull.

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